UpLac Wax Heater Pro Wax 200

UpLac Wax Heater Pro Wax 200

UpLac Wax Heater Pro Wax 200


Suitable for all types of candles.

Without Wax Removal Paper.

Includes an additional aluminum container and can be removed with a handle.

Setting 3 temperatures.

Instructions for use:

Remove the candle cover.

Adjust the handle on the inner container for ease of use.
When the handle is firmly attached, place the hot candle in the container. Turn the temperature switch to "MAX" so that the candle melts. 30 minutes.
During the melting process the indicator light will turn on and off repeatedly to adjust the temperature correctly.
When the candle melts, lower the temperature to 60 or 70 degrees.
The appliance will operate automatically when the temperature is lower than the one you selected, the display will be "ON".
When the temperature becomes higher than the one you have selected the device will stop working and the indicator will be in the "OFF".
This ensures that the candle will be melted but not overheated.
When done, set the temperature knob to "OFF".
Then remove the lid using the built-in handle.
We recommend that you apply proper cleaning to remove any residue from the appliance.
For easy removal of the wax the container should be warm during cleaning.
When you have finished your work make sure that the lid closes the device securely so that it is protected from dust

Do not place the device next to water or generally in wet areas.

If the appliance is exposed to water, unplug it immediately.

When the appliance is unplugged, some parts of it will be switched on for a while.

Keep the cord away from heated surfaces

Make sure the device is disconnected after use.

Use the device only for its intended purpose.

Never use the appliance if: the cord or plug is damaged, does not work properly, has been exposed to water, has fallen or has suffered any damage.

Defective product warranty only upon delivery.

Available from 1 to 3 days

All prices include VAT
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